U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

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October 19, 2008 11:19 AM UTC

Just as you suspected - Obama's NOT Truthful on Taxes !

  • by: NEWSMAN


12 thoughts on “Just as you suspected – Obama’s NOT Truthful on Taxes !

      1. While the over-whelming majority of Americans will receive a tax cut with soon-to-be President Obama’s tax plan, over 101 Million Americans will not receive a tax cut from McCain and Millions more will have their health care plans taxed by McCain while Millions more lose their Medicaid coverage.

        McCain’s health care and economic policies would be disastrous for America.

        1. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will cut taxes for 95% of working families, and provide at least three times as much tax relief for middle class families as John McCain and Sarah Palin. The Obama/Biden plan provides $1,000 of tax relief for workers and new tax benefits to help families pay for college, childcare and save for retirement.

          Now Newsie, stop being a liar.

        1. The Great Depression was over ten years long. And isn’t remotely possible that Biden just made one of the verbal errors that he’s quite famous for and said television when he really meant radio?

          Of course not, because you have to ascribe motives to everything. Lack of perfection equals lying in your twisted, backward little loser world.

          1. The stock market crashed in October of 1929, Roosevelt was did not take office until January of 1933. The First TV station in LA started broadcasting test patterns in 1947. Television was not in wide use until the early 1950’s.

            Just facts.

            Now Look at McCain’s ad above that is the subject of this post. It is accurate. It didn’t say SOME people would not get a tax cut under Obama, it said some people who pay no taxes will get welfare called a tax cut under Obama.  TRUE STATEMENT.  

            For me, It all depends on what your definition of taxPAYER is?

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